Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 9: "More crunchy bites?"


The meal:  Cereal with milk, fresh pineapple, blueberry yogurt

What they ate:
Little A had one small bowl of cereal, Big R had two bowls.  They both had lots of fresh pineapple, and split a 6 oz. container of organic blueberry yogurt.


The meal:  PB&J sandwiches, clementines

What they ate:  Same as yesterday…they both ate every bite of the PB&J, crusts and all.  Big R had 2 clementines and Little A ate one, chopped up.  They also each had a few tortilla chips, stolen from my lunch.

The meal:  Baked ziti, green salad, fresh pear

What they ate:  Two helpings of baked ziti plus salad, sliced pear and milk for Big R; a small helping of ziti plus diced pear and a few bites of cucumber and crouton from the salad for Little A.

My notes: I was really pleased that they both tried and ate the ziti.  I know they like pasta, but baked pasta is usually not a favorite.  Also pleased that Little A ate some cucumber and asked for more; that’s a first.  He also asked for "more crunchy bites" and it took a few minutes to figure out he meant croutons.  :)

Snacks:  Big R had graham crackers and juice.  Little A had a chocolate chip cookie.

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