The meal: Baked oatmeal, vanilla yogurt, banana (Little A), clementine (Big R).
What they ate:
Big R ate a square of baked oatmeal, about ¼ c. of the yogurt, and a clementine.
Little A ate a small square of the oatmeal, about ¼ c. of yogurt, and about ¼ of a banana.
My notes: So they both happily ate the last of the baked oatmeal…I’ll count that recipe as a success but maybe wait a few weeks before making it again.
The meal: Grilled cheese sandwiches (cheddar on whole wheat bread), pickles, sliced pear.
What they ate:
Big R ate the 2/3 of a sandwich I served him, several wedges of dill pickle, 2/3 of a pear, and a few potato chips cribbed from his dad.
Little A ate the cheese off the 1/3 sandwich I served him plus a few bites of bread, no pickles, the other 1/3 of the pear, and a few potato chips.
My notes: Kind of a typical lunch!
The meal: Black bean enchilada casserole (tortillas, beans, cheese are the main ingredients), green salad, carrots, applesauce.
What they ate:
Big R ate a pile of baby carrots, a large serving of salad, all of his applesauce, and a grudging bite of the enchilada casserole.
Little A ate about 2 tablespoons of plain black beans that I’d saved out for him, a small amount of applesauce, and about ¼ cup of the casserole.
My notes: Little A was upset that his applesauce came from a jar instead of in a single-serve cup. Yikes! I was amazed that he ate the casserole. He ate all of the plain beans first and asked for more. I showed him that there were beans in the casserole and he started eating it!
Big R made the salad himself and was so proud to tell his father how he prepared it.
Snacks: No morning snack; we forgot about it while out in the snow! Both boys had hot cocoa when we came inside (I make one 8 oz. serving, divide it between 2 cups, and top off each with a little milk to cool it off). Snack was soft pretzels (that we baked yesterday- Little A ate a small piece and Big R ate about half a pretzel). They each ate about 10 mini m-n-ms as well.
Daily summary: Well, I can already see from reviewing the past few days that snacks are one area I’m going to want to work on. I’d like to offer fewer carbs, less sugar, fewer empty calories. I’ll have to give some thought to how I want to accomplish that!
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